Jenny Mallion

Memories | Jenny Mallion | Angela Durnford

In June 2018 the MHS committee were very sad to announce the untimely death of Jenny Mallion, who had been very unwell for the previous six months.
Jenny was Chair of the Marden Horticultural Society from Jan 2014 to Feb 2017.

Jenny with her grandson at the 2017 Plant Sale

Jenny with her grandson at the 2017 Plant Sale

On the Saturday before her death, those of us working on the Picnic in the Park MHS stall were so very lucky to see Jenny when her daughters brought her to the field in her wheelchair. It was wonderful to see and speak to her and we are very fortunate we were given that chance. She was a wonderful, courageous lady who is greatly missed and we would like to share some of our memories of a dear friend.

“Jenny took over from me as Chair of the Marden Horticultural Society to my great relief!  She really appreciated our society when she moved to the village, its friendship and activities, and I know made many friends through her membership.

She felt the Society was of such benefit to the village that when it was in danger of not having a chair she took over. She did a great job and we are most grateful for all she did.

When she resigned as Chair she still played an important part on the committee helping organise trips which unfortunately she was unable to attend at the end. Her enthusiasm and dedication will be greatly missed.”
Zubeida Roberts

“I first met Jenny when I moved to Marden four years ago and we were walking our dogs.  I then realised she was the MHS Chair,  a role which she carried out fantastically for three years.  In 2015 she asked me to go on the committee saying they were a great bunch to work with and it would not take up much time. When she stepped down as Chair she asked if I would take on the role. I did not feel up to it but with her encouragement and advice I finally agreed.  She was a very persuasive person!  She stayed on the committee and continued to support me and MHS  right up until her death.  God bless you Jenny.  It was a pure joy knowing you and thank you for involving me in such a great group.”
Jill Nicols

“I remember Jenny being very kind and welcoming when I joined MHS, I hadn’t lived in Marden for very long and only knew a few people. A lovely lady.”
Alison Simpson

“Rob & I were very privileged to be Jenny’s (and Roger of course) adjacent neighbour and we formed a close and trusted relationship over the years. She quickly immersed herself into Marden’s village life and became involved in so many things. I personally knew she was there for me last year when I was ill – a good shoulder to cry on.

I find it hard to accept both her and Roger passed away in such a short space of time – we were such good friends and enjoyed many fun nights together, but hopefully they are together again once more.”
Anne Boswell

“I first met Jenny when she became a member of MHS and got to know her well when she came on to the committee. She was a lovely lady who was always worked very hard to make the society successful and enjoyable for all the members and she became one of my good friends in the village. I will miss our coffee mornings and social events together.She had a lovely sense of fun and supported all the events that MHS put on with great enthusiasm which rubbed off on the rest of the committee. I remember the committee meeting when we were discussing who was going to replace Zubeida as Chairman and typical of Jenny she stepped up when there was a distinct lack of interest from the other committee members. She said that MHS was such a friendly successful club it would be wrong to see it flounder due to a lack of Chairman and that she would reluctantly take the helm. She was a fantastic Chairman who kept us all in line at lively meetings, not always an easy thing to do!

Rest in peace Jenny we will all miss you.”
Judy Taylor

“I first met Jenny when I joined the MHS. She was a very kind and gentle lady who worked very hard as chairwoman of the club, it was an honour to have known her and she will be sadly missed by us all.”
Cynthia Baker