Seedling Swap

At our April 2023 meeting we are introducing a new sharing scheme. It is totally free, very straightforward and something that the Hardy Plant Society do regularly. I think it will benefit our members too. Here is what it is.

I am sure many of us will have been in the (fortunate?) position of having far too many seedlings of one variety for our needs - particularly if, like me, you tend to sow the whole packet in case there is a low germination rate. After pricking out the number you need, plus a few extras (and of course some for the plant sale in May), what to do with those left over? Well, rather than consign them to the compost heap, please bring them along to the Seedling Swap.

This is how it works:

  • Bring any surplus seedlings along - still in their seed tray or pot - clearly labelled, to share with others

  • We will provide small pots, compost and labels

  • Help yourself to any donated seedlings that you would like to have: partially fill a pot with compost, take a spoonful or two of seedlings from the tray, add a little more compost, write yourself a label and take away to grow on.

  • Don't worry if you don't have any seedlings to swap, you can still help yourself.

Mid-April may be a little early for seedlings of some varieties but there will be a further opportunity to share these with members at the June meeting. 

Looking forward to being introduced to new varieties grown by members, and passing on some of mine.


Tackling clay soil


Dahlia tuber planting